幼兒英語閱讀能力潛能開發《Your Baby Can Read!》1-5集 英語發音 合輯教學版(DVD版)(能用任何家用DVD播放機播放)
幼兒英語閱讀能力潛能開發《Your Baby Can Read!》1-5集 英語發音 合輯教學版(DVD版)(能用任何家用DVD播放機播放)
以著名嬰幼兒研究專家Robert C. Titzer博士的研究成果為基礎(博士的女兒在九個月大
時就已經能認字),Your Baby Can Read是世界上第一套專為嬰幼兒及學齡前幼童 (三個
月到五歲) 所設計的英語閱讀學習媒材。幼兒對語言的學習接受度遠超過成人,學習閱
,五歲以下兒童的學習會比年齡較大的孩子容易的多。Your Baby Can Read系列DVD的設
引起各大媒體如Good Morning America、CNN、CBS This Morning、The Learning
Channel、Knowledge TV、紀錄片The Parenting Principle以及其他數百個電視節目爭
Your Baby Can Read共分五片DVD
1. 初學篇
2. 第一集 ~ 第三集
3. 複習篇
For Children Ages 3 months to 5 years 適合3個月大寶寶到5歲小朋友。
Includes all 5 videos in the "Your Baby Can Read!" series. (Ages 3 months
to 5 years)
Special DVD features including:
1. Babies & Toddlers Reading
2. Parents' Segment
3. Testimonials
4. News Stories
5. Child's Viewing Schedule
6. Word Games
7. Songs and Poems
How your child will benefit:
1. Helps your child learn to recognize words.
2. Stimulates brain development.
3. Makes learning fun and interactive.
4. Encourages early language aquisition.
5. Gives you an effective tool to stimulate your child.
6. Teaches reading during the window of opportunity for learning language.
7. Entertains your child with children, animals, sing-along songs, and
Based on new early learning research, this is the first reading video
series specifically designed for your infant, toddler, or preschooler. With
"Dr. Titzer's multi-sensory reading approach," your child will learn in a
fun, entertaining, and interactive way!
Based on the research of Robert C.Titzer, Ph.D., Your Baby Can Read! is the
first video series in the world designed to help babies, toddlers, and
preschoolers learn to read! Gaining the attention of national TV news and
other media, as well as thousands of babies across America, "Dr. Titzer's
multi-sensory reading approach" teaches little ones to recognize words
using several senses at the same time.
A 1998 national panel of reading specialists and early childhood educators
made two major recommendations to improve the quality of reading in the U.S.
1) Teach reading earlier.
2) Don't focus on either a whole language or phonics approach, but instead do
a combination of the two.
Our videos have been doing this since 1997.
Your child will see the words, hear the words, see images representing the
meaning of the words, and often perform some physical activity related to the
words. According to theories on brain development, this multi-sensory reading
approach may help new synapses form among the visual, auditory, and
somatosensory areas of the brain.
These more elaborate connections may provide a better foundation for future
learning as well as reach children with visual, auditory, and physical
learning styles.
Most baby videos were developed to entertain babies with stimulating images
and sounds. Our DVDs are interactive and multi-sensory and actually teach
important language skills during the child's natural window of opportunity
for learning language. Our videos were developed by an infant researcher to
specifically teach language skills in a fun, interactive way using young
children, animals, songs, and poems. In spite of the names of many of the
other baby videos, they were designed to occupy and entertain the baby not to
help them learn anything of lasting value. Many parents have told us that
their children learned more watching our video one time than months of
watching other baby videos. The best part is that our videos are also fun and
entertaining, as well as valuable.
Earlier is better . . .
New scientific evidence suggests that learning language is actually easier
during infancy than at any other time. Any aspect of language learned early
in life is learned naturally and easily. Babies naturally learn to understand
and say words by hearing language. Babies and toddlers exposed to second
languages or sign language naturally learn these languages at higher levels
than older children. Babies and toddlers who are allowed to see the
language are also able to learn to understand the written form of language
naturally and easily. Any part of language that we wait until later in life
to learn becomes increasingly difficult to learn at high levels. Our DVDs
were created by an infant researcher who successfully used this technique
with his own children. Longitudinal studies show that children who are taught
to read before age five read better than same-IQ, same socio-economic
status (SES) children who are taught at age five or six. Children who were
taught to read at age 7 or 8 were even farther behind (even when
controlling for IQ and SES). After eight years, the children who were
taught to read at younger ages were still ahead of same-IQ, same-SES children
who were taught later.